Restoring A Stained Limestone Tiled Kitchen Floor in Cardiff

Restoring A Stained Limestone Tiled Kitchen Floor in Cardiff

The following post is follows on from the Limestone tiled kitchen floor restoration I recently completed in Cardiff. You may recall that the floor had not been maintained properly since it was first installed in 2008 and one of the key problems I had to deal with during that particular restoration was a number of dark stains left on the tiles by the kitchen dustbin. Here’s a detailed account of how I tacked the staining.

Limestone Reduxa Before Stain Removal

Cleaning a stained Limestone tiled floor

To deal with the stains, I suggested to the client that I experiment with a Tile Doctor product called Reduxa, which is formulated to remove certain stains, including red wine stains, from natural stone. It is suitable on Limestone, Marble and Travertine tiles, amongst others. Nonetheless, I did have to advise the client that unfortunately some stains are unavoidably permanent and that there was no guarantee that the product would be able to remove these particular stains. Had the sealer been maintained on this floor, then the problem would have been much easier to tackle. However, in this case the sealer had worn off over the years.

I began treating the problem area by applying the Reduxa solution, before heating up the tile with a heat gun to lift out the stains. This process of spraying and heating was repeated around eight times.

Limestone Reduxa After Stain Removal
To cut a long story short, the process worked very well, and both myself and the client were amazed at the results the Reduxa stain removal solution had on the floor. This product really does what it says on the label!

Limestone Reduxa After Stain Removal
If you would like more information on the product, check out the video on the Reduxa page on the Tile Doctor website.

Professional tile cleaning restoration for badly stained Limestone tiled kitchen floor in Cardiff

1 thought on “Restoring A Stained Limestone Tiled Kitchen Floor in Cardiff”

  1. When selecting a cleaning product for sealed floors always read the label in detail, most supermarket tile cleaners are only suitable for Ceramic tiles as they are acidic and this will erode and reduce the life of the sealer over time, we recommend using a specialist cleaning product such as Tile Doctor Stone Soap for the regular cleaning of stone floors.

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