Black Pad

Tiled Pathway Restoration Pontcanna Cardiff

Old Quarry Tiled Pathway Restoration in Pontcanna Cardiff

Tile Doctor was contacted by a homeowner from the Pontcanna area of Cardiff about the Quarry tiled path leading up to their property. A local tile restoration company had told them that their pathway was beyond repair and had advised replacing it with new tiles at significant cost. I’m based in Cardiff and cover Southeast Wales so the enquiry was past along to myself.

Tiled Pathway Before Restoration Pontcanna Cardiff

I contacted the client and arranged a survey which confirmed the pathway was indeed in a very poor condition. Lots of tiles were missing or cracked all of which would need replacing and some of the exposed concrete foundation would also need work.

I assured the client that I could make it look respectable again without spending a fortune. They were more than happy with my affordable restoration plan and accepted the quote. Work like this is best done during dry weather so we waited until there was a good weather window before starting.

Repairing a Quarry Tiled Path in Cardiff

The first task was to carry out the large number of repairs and replacements including breaking the damaged sections of concrete foundation. The various areas were then cleaned up and the foundation rebuilt where necessary.

Tiled Pathway During Restoration Pontcanna Cardiff Tiled Pathway During Restoration Pontcanna Cardiff

Once the foundation had set, work started on the tiling using new similar colour tiles along the borders and main path that I was able to source before starting work. The whole pathway was then grouted in using a durable cementitious filler.

Once the new tiles had set firmly and grout hardened, I started the cleaning process.

Deep Cleaning a Quarry Tiled Path in Cardiff

Working from the front door as it’s on a slope to the street pavement I applied a mixture of Tile Doctor Pro-Clean combined 50:50 with Tile Doctor Nanotech HBU to the tiles and allowed it to soak in. After about fifteen minutes the solution was worked into the tiles one square metre at a time by hand using a coarse black pad cut from a 17-inch pad. Once the pathway was cleaned, I rinsed the whole area with clean water and extracted the waste using a wet vacuum.

Tiled Pathway During Restoration Pontcanna Cardiff

The next stage was to rinse the pathway with neat Tile Doctor Grout Clean-up. This is scrubbed in to remove old cement, some of which must have been 100 years old. Once done the soiling was extracted and the path was given a final rinse with water.

Sealing a Tiled Pathway

The final stage was to seal the pathway tiles. Fortunately, we had a dry spell for a week or two otherwise I would have had to wait for a weather window to ensure the tiles were dry before sealing. Applying sealer to damp external tiles will lock in the moisture which would then freeze over winter causing it to expand and disrupt the sealer.

Once the floor had time to dry for a couple of days it was checked for moisture and proved within the limits to take a sealer. The chosen Sealer was Tile Doctor Colour Grow which is a very durable sealer as it’s an impregnator, meaning it soaks into the body of the tile preventing dirt from residing there.

Tiled Pathway After Restoration Pontcanna Cardiff

As you can once complete the path looked fantastic and the colour enhancing formula in the sealer highlighted the vibrant reds in the tile bringing the whole project to life. The client was delighted and recommended Tile Doctor to many friends, family and neighbours in the street.

Tiled Pathway After Restoration Pontcanna Cardiff


Professional Restoration of a Quarry Tiled Path in Cardiff

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Geometric Mosaic Edwardian Floor Restoration Cardiff

Edwardian Geometric Mosaic Tile Restoration in Cardiff

Earlier this year I was contacted by a homeowner in Cardiff to see if anything could be done to save their Edwardian tiled hallway floor. They had previously contacted another local company who advised to remove the floor and have it retiled. They felt upset to hear this news, having discovered the tiles under the hallway carpet and realised they must be original from when the house was built in 1910. Ideally, they wanted this original feature restored and so they reached out to us.

Geometric Mosaic Edwardian Floor Before Restoration Cardiff

Having spoken to them over the phone I was happy to re-assure them that the floor could be restored and arranged a visit to survey the floor and carry out a cleaning test to see what could be achieved.

Geometric Mosaic Edwardian Floor Before Restoration Cardiff Geometric Mosaic Edwardian Floor Before Restoration Cardiff

The floor although in a bad way was very impressive, someone had clearly spent a lot of time laying down a mosaic of what must have been thousands of small square tiles arranged in a repeating geometric pattern. During the visit I realised extensive tile repairs would be required however the sample clean proved successful and the clients were delighted.

Geometric Mosaic Edwardian Floor Test Clean Cardiff

I worked out a quote for the restoration which they were happy to accept, and a date was arranged for my return.

Repairing and Cleaning Edwardian Mosaic Floor Tiling

Work started with tile repairs which were done with replacement tiles cut to size, secured with adhesive and grouted in. The floor was then left to set hard before moving onto the next step of cleaning.

Before the carpet had been installed a thin layer of self-levelling cement had been spread across the floor and this had to be removed. To do this I carefully scraped off as much cement as possible along with paint splashes and remnants of plaster all of which were marking the tiles. The waste from this was then swept and bagged up.

To get the floor clean, a mixture of Tile Doctor Nanotech HBU and Pro-Clean were mixed together and applied to the surface working on one square meter at a time. The solution was rinsed, worked in with a Black scrubbing pad and then rinsed again before being extracted with a wet vacuum with clean water and then vacuumed away.

After carrying out the same procedure on the rest of the floor I then started the second procedure which was to apply Tile Doctor Grout Clean-up using wire wool to remove all the cement residues. Again, this was rinsed off with clean water and vacuumed away as I worked.

These two processes removed all the dirt and contaminants from the floor leaving the tiles clean, after a final rinse I used the wet vacuum again to get the tiles as dry as possible and ready for sealing the next day.

Sealing an Edwardian Mosaic Tiled Hallway Floor

The clients wanted a satin shine finish so after leaving the floor to dry overnight it was tested for moisture the next day and this confirmed the floor was dry enough for their desired sealer application.

The choice of sealer was Tile Doctor Seal & Go which produces a lovely satin finish and highlights the colours. Another advantage is being a water-based product it doesn’t leave a smell as it dries.

The floor responded really well to the treatments and I’m please to say the owners were delighted with the final result and eager to recommend Tile Doctor to their family and friends.

Geometric Mosaic Edwardian Floor After Restoration Cardiff Geometric Mosaic Edwardian Floor After Restoration Cardiff

The sealer will protect the floor by ensuring dirt remains on the surface where it can be easily cleaned away using a sealer sensitive tile cleaner such as Tile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner.

Geometric Mosaic Edwardian Floor After Restoration Cardiff


Professional Restoration of an Edwardian Mosaic Floor Tiling in South Wales

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